Application "Milky Way Memo" release notes.
Here you can find release dates and version numbers for all the application updates with information about new features and improvements added, bugs fixed and other changes.
- April 29, 2024. Version 4.4 for Android 4.0+.
- Improved full note editing and words wrapping for illustrated text. Added application settings to show keyboard, not hide bottom bar with keyboard, start editing at the beginning/end of text, start editing in block edit or full note edit forms. As well as, wider text editor fields, keeping cursor position in edit forms switching.
- Set of default note text in adding attachments to a new note.
- Added widget showing notes in hierarchy (with steps indentation) and increased set of numbers of text lines for notes in widget lists (1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20).
- Padding for blocks of attachments and text are relative to screen size since now. And increasing these paddings settings does not cut image sides anymore (It decreases block text width only).
- New application setting to keep last session document in second panel, and option to save images size set in attachments grid for particular note.
- January 22, 2024. Version 4.3 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed documents with attachments import.
- January 21, 2024. Version 4.2 for Android 4.0+.
- Support of Kanban method of planning with tasks priority set by Eisenhower Matrix and template plan.db activatable from app. settings, deadline status with schedule events.
- Fixed separation digits from text in some cases of sums calculation, last tag removing, showing local time of files in attachments picker
- Improved compartibility of settings custom background with text colors for view fields
- Updated user manual document.
- Jaly 17, 2023. Version 4.1 for Android 4.0+ (first release of new version with license key).
- 4.00 based version but with new licensing possiblilties. It accepts license keys for half year, 1 year, 2 years, and life time licens key as well which could be purchased in Allsoft store as for now.
- June 03, 2023. Version 4.00 for Android 4.0+.
- Retargeted to support devices up to Android 13.
- Changed sums calc to consider only propper numbers separated from the rest of text (with space or new line).
- Improved attachments naming in notes with attachments copying, keeping original name if possible.
- Fixed crashes on some devices.
- September 28, 2021. Version 3.15 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed showing "Account: not associated" in Document Settings dialog.
- September 27, 2021. Version 3.14 for Android 4.0+.
- Changed Dropbox OAuth storage access to support short-lived access tokens adopting to new requirements. Dropbox is going to retire long-lived tokens on September 30th, 2021. Users will be asked to approve Dropbox storage access for application again one time (for every synced document) after the application update.
- April 25, 2021. Version 3.13 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed errors in export-import of a document with attachments in some cases.
- Added attachments check in "Check document integrity" option (visibility set in app. settings).
- April 21, 2021. Version 3.12 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed possibility of error in password set for attachments in some cases.
- April 19, 2021. Version 3.11 for Android 4.0+.
- Help documents updated.
- Fixed crashes on some cases of "Тext edit mode" button click, adding new color.
- April 13, 2021. Version 3.10 for Android 4.0+.
- New extended UI of adding (floating action button "+") and editing of long note with possibility of setting tags and any number of events, reminders for a note, with bottom navigation panel to navigate between edit forms, and with separate screen for text editing, note's color selection, etc..
- Added option to show common note info.
- Showing number of document notes using particular function or color.
- Fixed import from cloud storage error in some cases after deleting attachments.
- New icons for adding/deleting empty text blocks in new extended UI text editing.
- Targeted Android 10.
- November 1, 2020. Version 3.9 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed crash on widget setup before first app run after install.
- October 29, 2020. Version 3.8 for Android 4.0+.
- Device home screen widgets of 4 types. All notes. Notes of selected document and list. Schedule. Pinned notes.
Fast notes creation using microphone, text, photo, video, bell (schedule events) buttons. Viewing notes and images (list, cards), grouping, instantaneous move to selected note - Pinning of notes and attachments
- Removed auto-update of 'sample' document. It can be updated now from application settings
- Added chapter "21. Widgets" in manuals (pdf, html) accessible from "Help" option
- Fixed crash if sync is ended while search activity is opened.
- Device home screen widgets of 4 types. All notes. Notes of selected document and list. Schedule. Pinned notes.
- July 19, 2020. Version 3.7 for Android 4.0+.
- Attachments search by name and filtering by type, show/run found attachments. Options to hide attachments, notes, locations from search results list.
- New notes formatting application settings. Maximum visible number of lines of each note in lists, text font size.
- Added setting to hide not used functions in selection list.
- Rename option in documents selection dialog. Allowing space symbol in documents names.
- Option to rename one or many (with enumerating) selected attachments.
- June 20, 2020. Version 3.6 for Android 4.0+.
- Added long-term bitmaps cache (with least recently used to discard first) to speed up gallery of images loading and its setting options to adjust maximum cache size per application document.
- Fixed crashes in images show on some devices with low memory (RAM) for Android 4.3 and less.
- Changed showing row of attachments at the bottom of screen in adding blocks of images with text interface.
- April 26, 2020. Version 3.5 for Android 4.0+.
- Added app. settings option to enable "Check document's integrity" item in actions menu. Removed possibility of wrong doc. structure state after some not expected notes copy - paste patterns.
- April 20, 2020. Version 3.4 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed auto resolving of sync conflicts which are possible after multiple times text editing on two and more devices.
- April 3, 2020. Version 3.3 for Android 4.0+.
- Added option to sync with Google Drive cloud storage.
- Fixed crash in some cases of attachment description text editing in block of images with text.
- Updated pdf and html help manuals.
- March 9, 2020. Version 3.2 for Android 4.0+.
- Full screen images without padding by default. New actions menu option "Screen and att. padding".
- Fixed er.44 appearing on attachments thumbnails and crash in one note view on Android 4.4.
- March 4, 2020. Version 3.1 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed crash on adding new reminder from "Schedule and reminder".
- March 2, 2020. Version 3.0 for Android 4.0+.
- Photo, video, audio, any files attachments adding to notes.
- Adding illustrations to text or text description for attachments with help of blocks of images with text.
- Two independent interfaces to work with short and long notes.
- New text edit/view field sizes options.
- Longer buffer for last toast messages.
- January 4, 2020. Version 2.15 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed sync error in some cases after deleting notes references from a list and adding them back again.
- Fixed crash in remote tracks monitoring on 64-bit devices.
- November 7, 2019. Version 2.14 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed possible sync errors in some rare cases of sync conflicts after notes moving in one list.
- October 29, 2019. Version 2.13 for Android 4.0+.
- For Android 8+, fixed crashes in reminder and added support of different tune and vibration set for different reminders (as before Android 8;+new tunes set).
- "Undo editing" with possibility to move undone text to another note.
- Added toasts for context menu notes paste.
- Fixed double notes appearing in sync and text about deleted notes conflicts.
- Different icons for schedule and geofences services activity reminders.
- October 13, 2019. Version 2.12 for Android 4.0+.
- 64-bit architectures support and application data structures optimization for 64-bit devices.
- Added edit mode exit confirmation dialog in the case of not saved data left in forms such as search, reminder, geofences, location description on map edit forms.
- Two lines file info items in documents import dialogs.
- Fixed crashes of reminder service background starting reproduced on some Android 8+ devices.
- July 31, 2019. Version 2.11 for Android 4.0+.
- Android 9.0 full support. Notifications settings by categories for Android 8+. Reliable geofences and tracks service working in background. (No need to keep app. on screen while recording track).
- Undo action menu option to help return back in note text editing after accident wrong use of "Change" button instead of button "+".
- Added edit mode exit confirmation dialog in the case of not saved text left in edit field.
- August 5, 2018. Version 2.10 for Android 4.0+.
- Adjusted colors of text for better looking on different backgrounds and do auto-inversion of text color in the case of matching it to background color.
- Added reminder attributes setting in notes edit mode by button with bell icon appearing on the right from functions list spinner, when adding notes and reminder function set.
- Schedule and geofences pen icon is for editing only, option "Dismiss event" moved into action menu.
- Fixed UI controls values restoring on layout change in device turn and by UI controls order change button in reminder and geofence edit forms.
- New application settings options of delete notes confirmation, view mode note highlighting. with elevation and reminder default type.
- Added option to delete notes in view mode in context menu opened by long click on selected note in lists.
- July 18, 2018. Version 2.9 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed selected number reset after context menu opening.
- July 14, 2018. Version 2.8 for Android 4.0+.
- New notes navigation modes. One panel - with more space for notes text in list. Two panels - for notes copy and move in Norton Commander style.
- Multiple notes selection in a list and in whole document for notes and trees of notes copying, moving, function set, deleting and showing sum of numeric values from noes.
- Adjusted colors of icons on upper app bar for light themes, default text of notes color in lists is defined by default function color now.
- Help docs updated.
- April 16, 2018. Version 2.7 for Android 4.0+.
- Support for document syncing with storage while recording a track to monitor it on a map on a remote device in real time almost.
- Hiding coordinates of dismissed geofences in lists, if text is present there as well.
- Fixed wrong doubling coordinates values for network location provider.
- February 17, 2018. Version 2.6 for Android 4.0+.
- Highlighting of editing note in its list and selected list, in Android 5.0+.
- Moving notes in lists separate mode and context menu option added.
- Highlighting of active track in tracks list according to docs.
- Removed not needed geoservices toast when geoservices turned off.
- February 3, 2018. Version 2.5 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed calendar show without 2 last rows on some devices in vertical layout.
- January 17, 2018. Version 2.4 for Android 4.0+.
- Fixed empty geofences list edit crash and tree of notes copy from docs with "-", "." in doc.names. Added geofences icons in main lists.
- December 20, 2017. Version 2.3 for Android 4.0+.
- Sync on 3+ devices error fixed. Geofence operated tracks showing in a list.
- December 10, 2017. Version 2.2 for Android 4.0+.
- Download/MWM import empty list and map types menu indication fixed.
- December 2, 2017. Version 2.1 for Android 4.0+.
- Crash in import, keeping geofence settings after reactivation, "(ntw)" suffix fixed.
- November 19, 2017. Version 2.0 for Android 4.0+.
- Geofences and tracks. Entering , exiting, crossing geofences reminder. Tracks recording in geofences. Terrain orientation by track. Notes with track markers description opened directly from map.
- Upgrade to Dropbox API V2. Faster documents sync. Working with multiple Dropbox accounts associated with different documents.
- Auto-closing of password protected documents. Removed inconveniences when assigning function to a note, now need to confirm function selection with buttons "Update" or "+".
- October 25, 2016. Version 1.9 for Android 4.0+.
- Help documents updated.
- October 19, 2016. Version 1.8 for Android 4.0+.
- Notes search by entering key word, key phrase, or review notes sorted list built for separate documents or globally for all documents together.
- Schedule and reminder with possibility of showing notifications on system panel. Melody, vibration, LED.
- Application settings. Customizing UI appearance and schedule events repetition by selecting week days, including or excluding holidays, work days, even, odd, special dates.
- Notes with multiline text.
- UI style updated.
- January 30, 2016. Version 1.7 for Android 4.0+.
- Sorting mode button added on Action Bar. Main menu moved to left panel opened by press on app.icon.
- January 10, 2016. Version 1.6 for Android 2.2+. (Last update for Android version < 4.0).
- Added copy notes and tree of notes between lists of the same or different application documents.
- Alternative notes navigation mode added. The left list shows parent notes for a note chosen in the right list, which contains children notes for a note chosen in left list. Navigate to parent notes of any child note just by clicking on them. Page back to reach parent notes of a current parent note.
- Edit and Navigation mode icons on Action Bar.
- Smoother full screen horizontal paging.
- October 18, 2015. Version 1.5 for Android 2.2+.
- New import option added to import documents from Milky Way Memo Light application.
- Loosing encryption state after document import error (not needed requirement to encrypt again after import) is fixed.
- More appropriate hiding and showing of password layout in import dialogs.
- October 3, 2015. Version 1.4 for Android 2.2+.
- Notes data export in CSV text format option to make user data available in desktop-PC applications (such as Microsoft Excel) or databases.
- Creating notes with device current geographic location coordinates.
- September 10, 2015. Version 1.3 for Android 2.2+.
- Added possibility to receive shared text sent from other applications (vocabularies, browsers, readers, e.s.).
- Changed default function for a new note creation (set it to current note function).
- Changed edit control behavior to keep modified text while navigating through a document.
- Added hiding not appropriate for current context contacts export options from context menu.
- September 7, 2015. Version 1.2 for Android 2.2+.
- Added possibility to receive shared text sent from other applications (vocabularies, browsers, readers, e.s.).
- Changed default function for a new note creation (set it to current note function).
- Changed edit control behavior to keep modified text while navigating through a document.
- Added hiding not appropriate for current context contacts export options from context menu.
- September 2, 2015. Version 1.1 for Android 2.2+.
- Android 2.3 device app. crash on edit mode context menu opening fixed.
- August 30, 2015. Version 1.0 for Android 2.2+.
- First version released.